How Much are Missed Telephone Calls Costing your Business?

61% of customers take their business to a competitor due to poor customer service

old.telephone.exchangeWhen a potential customer has a bad telephone experience trying to contact your business, you are not just losing a lead. 61% of customers take their business to a competitor after ending their current relationship due to poor customer service. It can also affect your brand reputation; on average customers tell 15 people about good customer service experiences whereas they tell 24 people about bad ones.

So what’s the alternative when your SME is experiencing a spike in calls during an advertising campaign, missing calls out of hours or struggling with short term staffing issues? If for whatever reason a staff member leaves, the average cost of replacing them, training them and completing their legal forms is a mammoth £30, 614. It takes an average of 24 weeks for a new SME employee to reach optimum productivity. Starting anew is just not a realistic, financially beneficial option.

Using a Telephone Answering Service has been said to lead to a 50% productivity increase in some SME’s. It allows you to do your job without distractions and focus on the task in hand. A professional, polite and locally based human being is far more attractive to a potential customer than a voicemail message. UK businesses are saving up to £12,000 per year when using a virtual assistant.

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