UK Consumers ‘Hacking’ Customer Service to Void Automated Chatbots

Majority of UK consumers ‘hacking’ customer service to avoid automated chatbots in the contact centre according to Servicenow report

–  ServiceNow research finds 77% of consumers look up tips and ‘hacks’ to avoid automated customer service and speak to a human

–  In phone menus, 75% of consumers press no buttons in hope of being redirected to a customer service rep

ServiceNow, the AI platform for business transformation, has highlighted the challenges brands face in dealing with today’s tech-savvy consumers, with almost four out of five people (77%) looking up tips and ‘hacks’ online to avoid speaking to a chatbot when engaging with customer service. Just under three-quarters (73%) also turn to friends and family for advice on how to avoid automated customer service.

ServiceNow’s research demonstrates that British consumers have become experts in avoiding interactions with tech solutions such as chatbots. Three out of four people (75%) say that they opt to press no menu options at all on customer service lines in the hope that this will get them through to a human being. The dedication among consumers to embracing these hacks is so strong that one in two (49%) admitted to having posted advice online on how to sidestep automated responses.

Simon Morris, VP Solution Consulting at ServiceNow said,

“This research and the very existence of these ‘hacks’ reveal that businesses have yet to figure out how to get their customer experience right. Automation is here to enhance customer service and help increase both customers and agents’ satisfaction. For this to happen though, companies must get the right mixture of ‘high-tech’ and ‘high-touch’, one where AI and workforce work hand in hand rather than compete.”

The results of the research, from ServiceNow’s wider Consumer Voice Report 2024, highlight the broader loyalty issues that UK businesses are grappling with. Results show that most of today’s consumers (85%) demand a range of options from chatbots to phone calls and emails, but two-fifths (40%) of consumers don’t want to deal purely with AI to protect jobs from being replaced.

Consumers are happy to use chatbots for general information (21%) while 39% would opt for a phone call with a customer service representative when it comes to solving problems. This is matched with a demand for 24/7 customer service: two fifths (39%) expect the shift to 24/7 in the next 12 months, and the overwhelming majority want 24/7 support in this decade. This shows the opportunity to invest in rapid, intelligent technologies to propel customer experience into the future.



ServiceNow is putting AI to work for people. We move with the pace of innovation to help customers transform organizations across every industry while upholding a trustworthy, human centered approach to deploying our products and services at scale. Our AI platform for business transformation connects people, processes, data, and devices to increase productivity and maximize business outcomes.

For additional information on Servicenow visit their Website

Methodology – The study was commissioned by ServiceNow, the leading digital workflow company, and conducted by Opinium in January 2025. The sample consisted of 15,000 Nat Rep adults in the UK, ROI, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, UAE, Sweden, Switzerland and Netherlands.

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