The Impact of Background Noise in the Contact Centre Industry

Iris Clarity have published a whitepaper highlighting the impact that background noise has on the contact centre industry.

The CX-focused whitepaper and explore our research looking at:

√ How contact centre WFH trends have changed since the pandemic

√ Background noise’s impact on contact centre KPIs, as well as the contact centre agent and customer experience

√ Noise cancellation as a solution, including the return on investment

The report features results from a survey of 500 UK and US customer service agents, 1000 consumers, insights from key opinion leaders in the sector, and industry research from sources such as Gartner, ContactBabel, and McKinsey.



To Download the report from IRIS Clarity Click Here

IRIS Clarity is an AI-powered software solution that removes distracting background noise from your VoIP and customer calls.

Real-time and bi-directional, IRIS Clarity allows participants on both sides of a call to immediately enjoy clearer sound, no matter where they are. IRIS Clarity improves focus, engagement, and wellbeing, bringing control to otherwise uncontrollable environments.

For additional information on IRIS Clarity visit their Website

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