ContactBabel Research Contact Centres in Mainland Europe & Ireland

contactbabel_logoContactBabel, the industry’s leading contact centre analysts, are, for the first time, researching the contact centre industries of mainland Europe and Ireland.

If your (non-UK) European contact centre has 10 or more agent positions, you can take part in Europe’s largest customer contact research programme and get the most detailed study of your industry – free of charge.

“The European Contact Centre Decision-Makers’ Guide” will cover all elements of customer contact – such as performance metrics, omnichannel, customer satisfaction, salaries, HR issues, technology and strategy.

Countries providing enough survey responses will also receive country-specific reports, so please take part so you can compare your contact centre operations against those like yours.

Respondents to the survey will receive an early copy of the final report, free of charge, by participating in the online, 100%-confidential research programme.

Findings will be made exclusively available to participants in late Q2, before the report’s official launch.

Contact centres who help complete the valuable industry research will also receive a bonus report, the “2016 European Contact Centre HR & Operational Benchmarking Report” – giving in-depth details about salaries, absence, attrition and performance benchmarking, segmented by vertical market and contact centre size. The detailed report costs €400 to companies who don’t take part in the research.

contactbabel_logoAdditional Information

To take part in the “2016 European Contact Centre Decision-Makers’ Guide” survey Click Here

The deadline for completing the survey is Friday April 8th 2016.

About ContactBabel: ContactBabel is the leading analyst firm for the contact centre industry.

Contactbabel coverage provided by their comprehensive and ongoing primary research projects is matched by our experience analysing the contact centre industry. We understand how technology, people and process best fit together, and how they will work collectively in the future.

We help the biggest and most successful vendors develop their contact centre strategies and talk to the right prospects. We have shown the UK government how the contact centre industry will develop and change. We help contact centres compare themselves to their closest competitors so they can understand what they are doing well and what needs to improve.

For additional information on ContactBabel visit their Website

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