2017 UK Contact Centre Decision-Makers Guide

The 2017 UK Contact Centre Decision-Makers’ Guide (15th edition)

call.centre.image.agent.long.oct.2015With insights built on hard data, the 15th annual edition of “The UK Contact Centre Decision-Makers’ Guide” is the largest and most comprehensive study of customer contact operations in the UK.

Covering AI, omnichannel, gamification, digital service, customer experience, technology, salaries, HR and strategy, this 400-page report is the primary source of real information about what is happening in the UK’s customer contact industry.

You can receive it for free, along with the detailed “UK Contact Centre HR & Operational Benchmarking” report (£295 to non-participants).

UK-based contact centres with more than 10 agent positions may participate in the online, 100%-confidential research programme. Findings will be made exclusively available to participants in October 2017.

Completing the survey:

To take part in the survey Click Here

The deadline for completion is September 8th 2017.

contactbabel.logo.2015Additional Information

If you have any questions, including seeing a copy of the questionnaire before completion, please email or visit the ContactBabel website

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