Contact Centre Staff To be Replaced Within 5 Years

Contact Centre Staff come ‘top’ of survey on fears UK workers have over the rise of Automation and Artificial Intelligence.


A new survey of the UK’s workforce has revealed which jobs workers are in fear over losing soon and which jobs workers want to see replaced by Automation ASAP.

The data reveals how over half of the UK’s work force are waking up to the reality of automated machines and Artificial Intelligence being a very real threat to their livelihoods. asked over 800 workers from across the UK which jobs they thought would be first to go and which jobs they welcomed being replaced by machines or Artificial Intelligence. The results are eye opening.

55% of respondents felt worried their job could be redundant in under 5 years’ time, and 21% had already seen business tasks or roles outsourced to machine technology in their workplace.

The survey identified the jobs that people fear will vanish to automation soonest:

5. Taxi Drivers
4. Junior accountants
3. Supermarket Checkout staff
2. Sales staff
1. Customer service staff of Chris Meredith said:

“We genuinely are at a tipping point in business regarding the development and application of AI and Automation replacing human workers. From a business point of view there is no denying the efficiency these new technologies are going to bring. Chat robots for automating customer services is something we are looking at but a daily read of Tech news shows you the relentless pace of development from companies such as Uber for self driving taxi’s and Amazon Go with their checkout less shop.

The survey also identified which jobs people want to see automated asap:

5. Doctors receptionists
4. Accountants
3. Cycle couriers
2. Bus Drivers
1. Train Drivers

Chris Meredith also commented: “it’s clear there are some professions that people might want to see automated as they either dislike them of fail to see the value they provide. I think with the current industrial action on Trains taking place, this might have had an impact on peoples answers but none the less workers in certain professions must currently be feeling their collars and giving a thought to their future.”



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