Ways Amazon Connect Will Transform Customer Service

Download the guide: 3 Ways Amazon Connect Will Transform Your Customer Service Capabilities

Amazon Connect is providing businesses with a genuinely scalable and cost-effective solution

To provide the level of support expected by today’s consumers, it’s increasingly important that Contact Centres have the ability to scale up for maximum peak.

The traditional, on-premise Contact Centre model is relatively rigid and can become costly fast. On the other hand, Amazon Connect’s flexibility means you only pay for what you use — and you can still layer applications on top. It’s easy to expand on and equally as simple to reduce in size, enabling businesses to better cope with fluctuations in customer service queries while enhancing the customer experience.

In this guide, you will gain insights into:

– Amazon Connect’s commercial model
– personalisation through Lex
– machine learning and AI applications
And more…

Additional Information

To download the free guide ‘3 Ways Amazon Connect Will Transform Your Customer Service Capabilities’ Click Here

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