Smart tools can help utilities companies to meet net zero goals

Smart tools can help utilities companies to meet net zero goals according to by Richard Higginbotham…

The Mapping Process: As-Is vs To-Be: Where do you Start?

The Mapping Process in the contact centre: As-Is vs To-Be: Where do you Start? Craig Willis,…

Social Housing: Are you Really Listening To Your Tenants?

Social Housing: Are you Really Listening To Your Tenants? The top 3 issues social housing associations…

Jabra Research: How Audio Volume Affects Performance & Office Vibe

Jabra’s research reveals how audio volume affects performance and office vibe • 71% of UK workers…

Personalisation Perfected: Unlocking Customer Loyalty

Personalisation Perfected: Unlocking Customer Loyalty in the contact centre – Kevin McGachy, Head of AI Solutions…

CSAT Scores are in Decline – Now is Your Time to Shine!

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) Scores are in Decline – Now is Your Time for your Contact…

IVR vs. Contact Centre Agents: Guide to Customer Authentication

IVR vs. Contact Centre Agents: The Complete Guide to Customer Authentication from Pindrop. Contact centress are…

Get the Guide to Seamless Omni-Channel Customer Experiences

Get the Guide to Seamless Omni-Channel Customer Experiences: Download Cirrus’ exclusive tip sheet to learn how…

The Shift to Online Self-Service has Only Just Begun

In a previous article we discussed the key customer service soft skills that transform a good…

4 tips to apply to your Payment Processes to boost CX

4 tips to apply to your payment processes to boost your CX in your contact centre…

Combatting Burnout: Optimise Occupancy with the Right WFM Solution

Combatting Burnout: Optimise Occupancy with the Right WFM Solution in your contact centre as injixo explains…

Deploying Strategies to Manage Frustrated Customers in the Utility Sector

Deploying strategies to manage frustrated customers in the utility sector via the contact centre Echo Managed…

Contact Centre Burnout and what you can do about it

Why your employees suffer from contact centre burnout and what you can do about it Contact…

The Future of Contact Centres: Navigating the Metaverse

The journey from call centres to today’s contact centres is like watching black-and-white TV turn into…

Combat Employee Burnout in the Contact Centre

Three Tips to Combat Employee Burnout in the Contact Centre Life in the contact centre moves…

Screen Pops: The Underrated Tool Your Agents Need Now

Screen Pops: The Underrated Tool Your Contact Cenrte Agents Need Now as Cirrus explains The phone…

6 Keys to Exceptional Customer Communication

Mastering Messaging: 6 Keys to Exceptional Customer Communication The writing on the wall – messaging is…

Understanding AI-driven Forecasting: A Look Inside injixo Forecast

Can AI really predict the future? You’ve probably heard countless forecasting solutions claiming AI capabilities, but…

AI in Workforce Management: Separating Fact from Fiction

AI (artificial intelligence) continues to be big news. There is no shortage of opinion about whether…

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