The Truth about AI for Self-Service & Agent Assistance

The use of AI-enabled chatbots has dropped the cost of a web chat by more than 30%, although phone costs continue to spiral.

And of all the technology solutions that we have studied in the past 20 years, AI agent assistance has the greatest potential to improve contact centre performance.

Two new research reports show how businesses can harness AI to improve both self-service and live agent interactions.

“The Inner Circle Guide to AI-Enabled Agent Assistance” considers:

• The 8 major use cases of AI agent assistance

• Why handle time is killing CX, and 5 ways AI can help

• AI outcomes and where to find ROI

• Keys to success and pitfalls to avoid

To Download the “The Inner Circle Guide to AI-Enabled Agent Assistance” Click Here

“The Inner Circle Guide to Chatbots, Voicebots & Conversational AI” shows:

• 4 key business issues that bots can solve

• Why self-service fails and how bots can help

• How to cut the multi-billion cost of customer authentication

• The impact of bots on cost, performance and CX

To Download the “The Inner Circle Guide to Chatbots, Voicebots & Conversational AI” Click Here

Download the research for free and find out how to take your customer contact into the future.



ContactBabel is the contact centre industry expert, helping US and UK contact centres compare themselves to their closest competitors so they can understand what they are doing well, what needs to improve and how they can do this. Our ongoing primary research helps businesses understand how technology, people and process best fit together, and how they will work collectively in the future.

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