Poor CX Drives UK Customer Churn Rates

Poor CX drives UK customer churn rates – youngest customers up to 6 times more likely to defect

Half of UK customers changed at least one supplier in the past 12 months because of poor customer service, with telcos, retailers and utilities companies most in the firing line.

Based on surveys with 1,000 customers, “Exceeding UK Customer Expectations” identifies the major frontline issues impacting on customer experience, and shows how to solve them.

The report reveals:

• What customers most value when contacting a business
• How customer profile and intention changes this
• Customers’ biggest problems with business contact
• Customers most likely to change supplier because of poor customer experience
• The channel customers want to use – and which they actually use.

Readers will find out how to:

• Reduce customer effort while managing costs
• Cut call times while maintaining quality
• Support and empower your agents
• Reduce unnecessary call-backs
• Offer the right channel at the right time to the right customer.



To Download this research from ContactBabel Click Here

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Our ongoing primary research helps businesses understand how technology, people and process best fit together, and how they will work collectively in the future.

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