The Mapping Process: As-Is vs To-Be: Where do you Start?

The Mapping Process in the contact centre: As-Is vs To-Be: Where do you Start? Craig Willis,…

CSAT Scores are in Decline – Now is Your Time to Shine!

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) Scores are in Decline – Now is Your Time for your Contact…

IVR vs. Contact Centre Agents: Guide to Customer Authentication

IVR vs. Contact Centre Agents: The Complete Guide to Customer Authentication from Pindrop. Contact centress are…

Get the Guide to Seamless Omni-Channel Customer Experiences

Get the Guide to Seamless Omni-Channel Customer Experiences: Download Cirrus’ exclusive tip sheet to learn how…

4 tips to apply to your Payment Processes to boost CX

4 tips to apply to your payment processes to boost your CX in your contact centre…

Deploying Strategies to Manage Frustrated Customers in the Utility Sector

Deploying strategies to manage frustrated customers in the utility sector via the contact centre Echo Managed…

Combat Employee Burnout in the Contact Centre

Three Tips to Combat Employee Burnout in the Contact Centre Life in the contact centre moves…

Screen Pops: The Underrated Tool Your Agents Need Now

Screen Pops: The Underrated Tool Your Contact Cenrte Agents Need Now as Cirrus explains The phone…

Understanding Customers & Recognising Vulnerability in Contact Centres

The continued cost of living crisis is expected to affect consumers over the course of the…

Benefits of Conversational IVR Programming in the Contact Centre

A recent survey a staggering 35% increase in inbound call volumes across the nation’s contact centres…

The “Digital-first” Delusion: Is Convenience Killing UK CSAT?

The UK customer service landscape is in a state of flux. While digital-first solutions have revolutionised…

Boost Contact Centre Agent Engagement for Higher Productivity

How to boost contact centre agent engagement for higher productivity Many companies realise that happy, engaged…

How to Handle Complaints Efficiently in the Contact Centre

Complaint handling comes with the territory of working in the contact centre. It’s often the first…

How to Improve Contact Centre CX with Analytics

How to Improve Contact Centre CX with Analytics Business leaders have long identified Customer Experience (CX)…

How Can Excellent Customer Service Help Retain Customers?

How Can Excellent Customer Service Help Retain Customers? Enhancing Customer Experience Many businesses make the mistake…

How Low CSAT is Eroding your Brand & Revenue

The silent revolt: how low CSAT is silently eroding your brand and revenue (and what to…

Understanding the ROI of AI in Contact Centres

2023 has seen the emergence of AI-driven contact centres, transforming the world of customer service. As…

Conversational Analytics: Why is it so Powerful in Transforming

What is Conversational Analytics and Why is It So Powerful for Transforming Your CX in your…

Solving 5 Common Contact Centre Challenges in 2024

Solving 5 Common Contact Centre Challenges in 2024 – Running a contact centre is no walk…

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