Redwood Technologies Secure Place as G-Cloud 9 Supplier

Redwood Technologies Group Secures Place as G-Cloud 9 Supplier

netcall.supplier.gcloud.image.2015The Crown Commercial Service (CCS) has awarded both Redwood Technologies and Content Guru places on the G-Cloud 9 framework agreement for the supply of cloud-based software to the Public Sector.

G-Cloud is a government initiative to support the growth in procurement of cloud and other services in the Public Sector, as they provide a flexible, agile and cost-effective modernisation solution. The initiative is primarily concerned with the central and local provision of cloud services, creating a supplier network of infrastructure, software and support solutions. The CCS works with both departments and organisations across the whole of the public sector to ensure maximum value is extracted from every commercial relationship and improve the quality of service delivery. The CCS goal is to become the “go-to” place for expert commercial and procurement services.

The G-Cloud framework offers a boost for UK businesses in the domestic market, producing an open environment to connect providers of all sizes, and creating a level playing field for small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) and larger companies. The framework will be regularly updated to include the most innovative and up-to-date technology and services, creating a more competitive digital marketplace. The main objectives are to make savings for the taxpayer while improving local and central government efficiency, and modernising practices.

Redwood Technologies Group secured its place on the G-Cloud 9 agreement by meeting a range of inclusion criteria. This included proof of suitability for use in government projects, and the provision of a full list of capabilities and pricing to secure a place in the agreement. Redwood Technologies Group has been providing G-Cloud related services since the inception of G-Cloud in 2012, and already has a strong presence in local and central government and the wider public sector worldwide, making it an ideal supplier for the G-Cloud 9 agreement. Taylor, CMO of the Redwood Technologies Group, commented:

“Redwood Technologies Group has over 20 years of experience providing communications services and software to all levels of government, including ten years in the cloud.

G-Cloud is an essential element of modernisation in local and central government, and we are proud to be part of such a positive initiative that showcases the most innovative and up-to-date cloud technologies.”

redwood.logo.feb.2016Additional Information

For additional information on Redwood Technologies Group visit their Website

For additional information on Content Guru visit their Website or view their Company Profile

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