Recruitment & Retention in your Contact Centre

Recruitment and retention in your contact centre – Download the eBook from MaxContact

In the face of such a challenging recruitment climate, the contact centre industry is in a particularly tough position. Attrition in the UK industry – the rate at which people leave their jobs every year – has been above 20% on average for almost two decades.

That is one person in five leaving their contact centre job every year. And that 20 year average may even understate the current situation, with one US study suggesting that  40% of contact centre agents plan on leaving roles within the next 12 months.

Such high rates of attrition translate into substantial costs for employers. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development outlines where the costs come from.

The most obvious ones are:

Administration of the resignation
Recruitment and selection costs
Induction training for the new employee

Hidden costs are more difficult to calculate but more serious in the long term and include the drop in productivity of new employees relative to experienced staff who have left.

Faced with these challenges, how should contact centre operators go about getting new staff and keeping existing ones?



To Download the eBook from MaxContact ‘Recruitment and retention in your contact centre’ Click Here

MaxContact is a customer engagement technology company with a difference.It was founded in 2015 by a group of contact centre professionals who had become frustrated with providers that over promised and under delivered on features, support and resilience. It’s now one of the fastest growing contact centre specialists in the UK with a 97% uptake rate against existing solutions, handling over 100 million interactions each month for over 100 customers.

The company was recently ranked one of the top 50 fastest growing technology companies in the North by the Northern Tech Awards 2021.

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