First-Contact Resolution Ranked as most important Driver of CX

First-contact resolution in the contact centre is the ‘miracle metric’ that improves customer experience while helping business profitability.

ContactBabel’s recent research of 200+ UK businesses and 1,000 UK customers found that first-contact resolution is seen as the most important factor contributing to customer experience.

Yet measuring, calculating and improving first-contact resolution can be a very tricky proposition.

In this free research report, you will find out:

√  18 ways to reduce unnecessary inbound contact and call-backs

√  How to benchmark FCR and the dangers to look out for

√  The best ways to calculate FCR

√  The ROI you can expect from your FCR improvement programme

√  The best methods to gather accurate FCR measurements.



To Download the Inner Circle Guide to First-Contact Resolution Report Click Here

ContactBabel is the contact centre industry expert, helping US and UK contact centres compare themselves to their closest competitors so they can understand what they are doing well, what needs to improve and how they can do this.

Our ongoing primary research helps businesses understand how technology, people and process best fit together, and how they will work collectively in the future.

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