Best Practices in Modern Contact Centres

Customer Interactions Best Practices – Best Practices in Enhancing Customer Interactions in Modern Contact Centres

The customer may not always be right, but they must always be happy!

callscripter.logo.2013.jpegIt is becoming increasingly important that customers end a call to a contact centre on a positive note. Today’s social media provides customers with a platform where they can instantly share their experiences and 91.5% are unlikely to recommend a company after a negative customer service experience, as reported by Customer Service Manager.

Agents are the embodiment of their organisation and their interactions with customers have the power to entirely change the caller’s perception of the company. Inbound callers can be distressed, agitated or in need of help. It is the agent’s job to ascertain the reason for the call, gather the necessary information and produce a solution for the customer. This must be done in the most efficient way possible to ensure that the customer issue is resolved and that they are left feeling positive about their experience and about the company as a whole.

So how can we achieve the best customer interactions possible?

Ensuring that your agents are sufficiently trained in the operations of the business is the first step. Agents that are confident with the products and services provided by the company and the business values will come across as informed and professional. This will be recognised by the caller and will instantly put them at ease.

Giving agents the right tools will ensure calls are delivered effectively. CallScripter provides agents with a simplified desktop, resulting in a smoother call flow. There are different script styles available so companies can tailor their own and training is given so that in-house modifications can be made. This allows for an easier flow of conversation whilst adhering to compliance regulations and resolving the call as soon as possible, increasing the number of calls per agent.

Agents can be presented with complex situations on a daily basis. They require support from their team leaders and regular praise to boost morale and encourage positivity within the contact centre. Agents are the human voice of your organisation. Invest in them to dramatically improve customer experience.

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