Reports: Customer Engagement & Personalisation / Cloud-based Solutions

Two new research reports from ContactBabel show how businesses can engage their customer base through personalised service at scale, and how cloud is democratising functionality for all types of contact centre:

“The Inner Circle Guide to Customer Engagement & Personalisation” considers:

√ Using AI to provide a hyper-personalised customer experience

√ The use of predictive analytics and personality-type matching

√ Supporting employees’ emotional intelligence and empathy

√ Recognising and managing the customer’s ‘moment of truth’

To download the fee contact centre report “The Inner Circle Guide to Cloud-based Contact Centre Solutions” from ContactBabel Click Here

“The Inner Circle Guide to Cloud-based Contact Centre Solutions” shows:

√ Current and future cloud take-up of 7 key solutions

√ How cloud supports digital transformation and the use of AI

√ 7 business reasons to consider implementing cloud

√ Making cloud implementation a success and avoiding pitfalls

To download the fee contact centre report “The Inner Circle Guide to Cloud-based Contact Centre Solutions” from ContactBabel Click Here



ContactBabel is the contact centre industry expert, helping US and UK contact centres compare themselves to their closest competitors so they can understand what they are doing well, what needs to improve and how they can do this.

Our ongoing primary research helps businesses understand how technology, people and process best fit together, and how they will work collectively in the future.

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