Blog: To Publish or not to Publish?

Contact Centre News To publish or not to publish that is the question….

EditorIn addition to our loyal and much valued band of subscribers we have a network of contacts up and down the Country, all of whom work in the industry, who feed us information on a regular basis.

In most cases these contacts feed us information which we can’t publish as it either falls into the distinct domains of either not being newsworthy or it can’t be verified with a particular Company or dreaded PR/Press Department.

Recent examples have included what can be considered to be a Blue-Chip company in the process of making up to 50 agents redundant which could not be reported as the Media Department refused to confirm of deny – in addition no self-respecting company likes to reveal what can be described as ‘damming’ and ‘negative’ news.

This week we received in our ‘secret email account’ a copy of a Statement from a major supplier to the industry advising their Channel Partners and Re-Sellers that certain products in their Products Range have deemed to be faulty and therefore should be re-called for either replacement or repair.

Whilst I admit that my investigation journalistic skills are not on par with the likes of Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, who reported the Watergate Scandal, nonetheless does free speech prevail or is it a case of the Company in question legal department being bigger than ours? (obviously assuming that indeed we have a legal department!)

Upon much consideration and dialogue with our Liability Insurance Broker I took the decision NOT to publish; Why? In my opinion the company in question are playing the matter in a way we all hope and expect Major Companies should handle the matter – to come clean – apologies and make arrangements for a negative to become a positive.

For those who want me to divulge the name of the Company in question regrettably I will not although I will say that many contact centres up and down the county will be familiar with the brand and products.

Should you have any information worthy of publication please send to our secret email account…..

Have a good week ahead.


The Editor
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