Contact Centre Webinar: CX Trends Shaping the Future

Contact Cenre Webinar: X Trends Shaping the Future hosted by Business Systems

In the rapidly evolving CX industry, staying ahead of the competition can be daunting. Join our upcoming webinar featuring experts from Business Systems and NICE, who will share their views on how organisations can harness the transformative potential of AI in customer engagement.

Discover how companies can embrace AI, the opportunities it presents for customer engagement, and its impact on the Contact Centre and agents. Learn strategies for achieving a holistic AI approach in CX to strengthen your organisation’s relationships with customers.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into the latest AI-driven trends and innovations in CX.

Key topics:

– An introduction to AI in CX: current trends and challenges of AI within CX

– Explore why AI is being adopted rapidly within CX

– How technological advancements has enables significant improvements and cost reductions within the contact centre

– The impact of AI on Contact Centre agents: effect on agent roles and numbers and evolving challenges agents face

– The future of AI in CX: anticipated advancements in AI over the next 2-3 years and the growth of multi-modal automated conversations and the evolution towards engaging, outcome-focused interactions.

– Achieving Holistic AI in CX: explore the concept of hybrid customer engagement combining human and AI elements. Learn how organisations can integrate AI to enhance overall customer experience.



For additional information on the Webinar ‘CX Trends Shaping the Future’ or to Register Click Here

Thursday 19th September 2024 – 1.00 PM

For over 35 years, Business Systems has been a trusted leader in the digital transformation and regulatory compliance landscape. Its dedicated team of experts assist clients to craft customised, innovative solutions to drive growth and elevate Compliance and CX. Whether transitioning to a cloud-based recording solution or contact centre platform, leveraging data estates to boost revenue, or increasing value proposition through the company’s partner program, Business Systems is committed to guiding clients and partners through every step of their journey. Aligning strategies with evolving market trends and business goals.

For additional information on Business Systems view their Company Profile

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