Outsource or not to outsource that is the question.
Like the contact centre industry which we serve as a Company we tend to outsource some of our operation to ‘outsource’ companies as, without exception, they can provide a far superior service than we can supply in-house; in our case we outsource such services to include accounting, design and graphics and the hosting of this website.
In order that we can concentrate 100% on the content of www.contact-centres.com we ‘outsource’ the hosting and technical aspects of the website to our hosting company, BigWetFish.
We originally outsourced with this company over 9 years ago initially on the basis that any company who called their company BigWetFish was worthy of an introductory enquiry; thereafter they have maintained the website, provide full back up service and, perhaps most importantly, advise us of any improvements that can be implemented that would ultimately improve the performance of the website.
Recently we were experiencing ‘loss of connection’ in the office whilst updating and posting new items on the website; the ‘problem’ was identified as being down to an increased volume of visitors to the website (which I guess is a good problem to have!); to resolve the problem BigWetFish have now changed our server to one which can cope with the increased traffic; the switching of the servers was conducted overnight.
So what’s the moral of this news item?
As a company we need to focus on what, hopefully, we are good at ie providing up-to-date news and information to the UK contact centre industry which, based on our recent increase in website traffic, it would appear that in this case we are ‘ticking the boxes’.
Without our hosting company, BigWetFish, we would have had to employ and train a dedicated person to handle ‘all things website’ with additional expense to our Company.
The relationship which we have built up with BigWetFish is one in which we have the utmost confidence in, we rely 100% on their service, we value their help and advice which I guess exactly what the contact centre industry looks for when considering outsourcing some of their operation to third parties.
Additional Information
For additional information on BigWetFish visit their Website