Voice of the Contact Centre Consumer 2024

Voice of the Contact Centre Consumer 2024: Technology is driving consumer opinion

A CCMA research initiative supported by Odigo

Is your contact centre ready for the challenges brewing in 2024?

The CCMA’s comprehensive research, Voice of the Contact Centre Consumer 2024, explores how consumer opinions are evolving alongside technological advancements and how emerging technologies like AI are impacting service satisfaction.

With high expectations, mixed experiences, and AI hype, consumer behaviour is in flux and understanding the nuances of opinion will be crucial for any contact centre.

√ 31% still perceive customer service quality as declining.

√ 70% have faced failed self-service journeys.

√ 27% of consumers express uncertainty about AI’s role in improving service.

But it’s not all bad news. Gain insights into how positive perceptions have rebounded in hard-pressed sectors and explore the critical balance between AI enhancements and the human touch.

This is just a glimpse. Delve deeper into the data to understand how these shifts will impact your business and discover strategies to stay ahead.



To Download the ‘Voice of the Contact Centre Consumer 2024’ from Odigo Click Here

Odigo is a leading provider of Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) solutions that facilitate communication between large organizations and individuals using a global omnichannel management platform. With its innovative approach based on empathy and technology, Odigo enables brands to connect through the crucial human element of interaction, while also taking full advantage of the potential of digital. A pioneer in the customer experience (CX) market, the company caters to the needs of more than 250 large enterprise clients in over 100 countries.

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