The Power of CX – as Told by the Customer

The Power of CX – as Told by the Customer – Steve Joyner, Vice President Avaya UK&I

Customer experience (CX) has become an important differentiator for businesses across all types of industries. Because today’s customers expect numerous contact options —voice, video, chat, messaging, and more— along with faster responses, and a more personalised approach, organisations that can deliver this are able to drive all aspects of business performance, growth, and ultimately success.

Our goal is to help organisations deliver unmatched CX, which means we are always delighted to learn, direct from our customers, about how they are succeeding in this area. Here is DHL’s story as told by Edmund Kao, General Manager & Head of Operations, Contact Centre Services, DHL Supply Chain on his LinkedIn post, reproduced with his kind permission.

How tech took DHL Contact Centre Services to new heights

Supply chain and logistics are the industries with which DHL is most commonly associated. It’s our bread and butter, and where we’ve built our history of success.

But in recent years, continued investment into enhancing our contact centre services has seen us become a first-stop service concierge to help members of the public access public services from multiple agencies.

Since we made the decision to venture into projects with a major customer in August 2022, we have onboarded 14 agencies, and today handle more than 70,000 calls across 34 hotlines and over 20,000 emails for 16 email accounts each month.

Digitalisation is at the heart of this momentum, and we haven’t stopped looking at expanding our use of technology to provide the best possible customer service to every feedback provider that dials or emails our contact centre.

Most recently, we worked with Avaya to introduce real-time agent assist and speech analytics to gather insights to identify ways to improve call interactions, and at the same time uplift automated quality audits.

It’s a process that boosted service levels from an already high 94.2 per cent to 95.4 per cent, increased first contact resolution to 96.5 per cent, bolstered agent quality by five per cent, and most importantly, enhanced customer satisfaction by six per cent.

Introducing Avaya’s speech analytics and real-time agent assist capabilities had an immediate effect on our agents – these serve as digital sidekicks, so agents no longer manage calls alone.

Each time a member of public dial into a hotline, our contact centre teams instantly receive information and prompts relevant to the specific enquiry. This ensures agents can respond faster and provide accurate advice every time and have the ability to provide advice on adjacent services callers may need. It’s how we value-add to customer service.

The tech also picks up instances where callers may be dissatisfied, so managers can be notified and given the option to listen into calls if needed or offer agents additional training to improve their skills as they work towards becoming subject matter experts.

At the end of each call, data from the interaction is securely logged and a transcript produced, along with a report that delivers insight into positive and negative sentiment and potential causes. This is based on a language model we created early on and tested across more than 50,000 interactions and continue to refine regularly.

These are just some of the transformative changes we have made to how we serve Singapore’s feedback providers. Our contact centre services will see continued development, and we are committed to taking our work with Avaya further so we can deliver innovation without disruption to take our customer service to even greater heights.



Steve Joyner is Vice President Avaya UK&I

Businesses are built by the experiences they provide, and every day, millions of those experiences are delivered by Avaya.

Organisations trust Avaya to provide innovative solutions for some of their most important ambitions and challenges, giving them the freedom to engage their customers and employees in ways that deliver the greatest business benefits.

Avaya contact centre and communications solutions power immersive, personalised, and unforgettable customer experiences that drive business momentum. With the freedom to choose their journey, there’s no limit to the experiences Avaya customers can create.

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