Winning, losing and regaining customers in the COVID-19 era

Winning, losing and regaining customers in the COVID-19 era

What was the impact on your customer journey in your contact centre?

As the lockdown starts to ease, and most organisations are starting to plan their ‘return to normal’, it’s an ideal time to reflect on the impact of the actions you took – or didn’t. Whether you were able to carry on with home-working staff or not, there’s one important point to consider is what has been the impact on your customer journey?  

We’ve created an interactive questionnaire that simply asks these four questions so you can assess how you fared. But it doesn’t leave you there, regardless of whether you answer yes or no, it also explains what you can do next to be in better shape the next time.

1. Are your customers getting a worse experience?

2. Do your customers’ queries get resolved easily?

3. Have your customers still make secure payments?

4. Are your customers able to take advantage of self-service?

Looking on the positive side….

If there is one positive thing that has come out of this pandemic crisis, it’s the way businesses have embraced working from home. Some may never have considered it as feasible before lockdown in March 2020, certainly not for any long-term period.

Now we’re seeing a significant shift in attitude and contact centres are building a percentage of home-workers into their long-term strategy

The other big shift is how customers have embraced self-service channels knowing that they may not be able to speak to a human being immediately. We’ve seen channel shifting occur more frequently, where customers are using multiple contact channels to find information.

Most important is the need for business continuity and security planning. Home-working presents an uncontrolled environment where businesses operate with personal technology, unsecured WiFi and systems which are the main risk areas for customer data and integrity.

The crisis is far from over, and it’s uncertain what the future will bring. But, contact centres that plan ahead, using the latest technology, will have the agility to adapt and strengthen their customer experience.



Eckoh have created a short interactive quiz. In four simple questions you can find out how your CX fared during the worst of the pandemic, and what you can do next to be in better shape from here on.

Eckoh is a global provider of secure payment products and customer contact solutions, supporting an international client base from its offices in the US and UK.

Eckoh’s customer contact solutions enable enquiries and transactions to be performed on whatever device the customer chooses, allowing organizations to increase efficiency, lower operational costs and provide a true Omnichannel experience. We also assist organizations in transforming the way that they engage with their customers by providing support and transition services as they implement our innovative customer contact solutions.

Our extensive portfolio of clients come from a broad range of vertical markets and includes government departments, telecoms providers, retailers, utility providers and financial services organizations.

For additional information on Eckoh view their Company Profile

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