European Contact Centre & Customer Service Awards 2024

As you know, is committed to the customer contact industry. So, we are delighted to share with you that we are supporting the European Contact Centre & Customer Service Awards 2024 as they celebrate their 24th anniversary.

It therefore comes as no surprise that we are promoting these awards to you. And it’s because we think that the work you are doing could be recognised by the greatest awards programme in the customer contact industry.

This year the ECCCSAs will recognise organisations across Europe that are leading the way in Operational Excellence, Employee Experience and Customer Experience. Retaining popular categories, such as Contact Centre of the Year, Most Effective Learning & Development Programme and Best Supporting Team, the programme will also include a number of new categories including:

√ Best Fight Against Fraud

√ Most Effective Sales Approach

√ Best Approach to Supporting Vulnerable Customers

Here are 5 reasons why we think you should be entering this year:

√ Thank your teams

√ Recognise a significant year of achievement

√ Get great internal and external PR

√ Benchmark your operation

√ Opportunity to reflect

The ECCCSAs are now accepting entries online until Friday 19 July 2024.

Please do enter one or more of the categories as one project could suit several categories. ECCCSA winners often liken the achievement to ‘winning an Oscar’, highlighting just how respected and prestigious the ECCCSA’s have become in raising the profile of the customer contact operation, its capabilities, and its stars.

Why can’t that be you?



The award-winning European Contact Centre & Customer Service Awards (ECCCSAs) is the longest running and largest awards programme in the European customer contact industry. The programme recognises organisations across Europe that are leading the way in delivering exceptional service to customers. 

The awards are highly regarded for its robust judging process and recognise organisations that continually innovate to improve the customer experience, value their people and operate efficiently and effectively. 

ECCCSA winners often liken the achievement to ‘winning an Oscar’, highlighting just how respected and prestigious the ECCCSA’s have become in raising the profile of the customer contact operation, its capabilities and its stars.

Visit the website for crucial dates, categories, and an abundance of advice on how to enter the industry’s largest and most enduring awards programme by Clicking Here


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