Eighty-Five Percent of Contact Centres Want Artificial Intelligence

Research report examines how contact centres are adapting to new innovative technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence…

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Contact Centre

Thanks to hype, Hollywood and media coverage, much of what we perceive to be artificial intelligence…

AI Isn’t For The Future – It’s Here Today

AI isn’t for the future – it’s here today and already transforming customer engagement Customer contact…

AI will dominate banking says Aspect Software

AI will dominate banking and less interaction will create a more human experience, says Aspect Software…

Integrating Artificial Intelligence into Your Contact Centre

The number of predictions and speculations about Artificial Intelligence AI replacing human workers in the contact…

AI will power 95% of customer interactions by 2025

AI will power 95% of customer interactions by 2025, says Servion Businesses must begin adapting to…

The Truth About Self Service, Bots & Intelligent Assistance

The Truth about Self Service, Bots & Intelligent Assistance Thomas Rodseth, VP of Product & Marketing…

Everything is Connected So Where Do You Start?

In A World Where Everything is Connected Where Do You Start? Webhelp’s global head of R&D,…

OpenMarket Publish SMS Contact Centre Chatbots Survey

OpenMarket New Consumer Survey Reveals Massive Missed Customer Engagement Opportunity for Enterprises Not Leveraging SMS Chatbots…

The Introduction of Customer Service Robots

The Introduction of Customer Service Robots – When you picture customer service (CS), you probably imagine…

Contact Centre Staff To be Replaced Within 5 Years

Contact Centre Staff come ‘top’ of survey on fears UK workers have over the rise of…

Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Contact Centre

How are Artificial Intelligence & Virtual Assistance Changing the Contact Centre? Over the last 5 years,…

IBM Watson Engaged by RBS for Better Serve Customers

RBS Engages IBM Watson For Cognitive Insights to Better Serve Customers ‘Luvo’ chatbot begins helping customers…

Microsoft Stake in Artificial Intelligence Leads The Way

Microsoft’s stake in artificial intelligence leads the way for serious business use – Artificial Intelligence assistant…

World First conference on Artificial Intelligence

Customer Experience Features High on the Agenda of World first conference on Artificial Intelligence    …

TouchAssist Virtual Assistant Meets Live Customer

TouchCommerce launches TouchAssist to provide enterprises with combination of Virtual Assistant and Live Customer interactions in…

Customer Experience Five Trends Set to Revolutionise 2016

Customer Experience Five Trends Set to Revolutionise 2016 Interactive Intelligence predicts how artificial intelligence, IoT, mobile…

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