CCMA Event: Advanced Empathy

CCMA Event: Advanced Empathy
09 Jan 09:30 AM
Until 09 Jan, 12:30 PM 3h

CCMA Event: Advanced Empathy

This 3 hour course will be invaluable for anyone seeking to level up their empathy, active listening skills and ways to respond compassionately to customers in emotionally sensitive or challenging circumstances, including those who are facing bereavement.

Our trainers are experts in ‘The Human Element’ – how we relate to our customers and provide effective, tailored outcomes.

Course Description

Global events in recent years have increased vulnerability in many of our customers and ourselves. Additionally, common life events we may all face at any given time can impact us in a range of ways.

Our customers need more from us than ever before, and levelling up our ability to respond effectively to our customers unique situations on a human level is not only vital, but a key business differentiator.

Participants will have the opportunity to build skills, confidence and resilience to support positive human connection. Attending to our own wellbeing is also vital and another key outcome of this course.

For additional information on the course or to book Click Here

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