
CCMA: Understanding Neurodiversity for Managers
05 Nov
Until 05 Nov

CCMA: Understanding Neurodiversity for Managers

This course will increase and support your existing knowledge of neurodiversity. The workshop provides a detailed overview of different neurodiverse conditions, myth-busts any common misconceptions, provides ideas to support your team and highlights the positives of having neurodiverse individuals in your workforce.
Course Description

This course is designed to increase and support managers awareness of Neurodiversity in the workplace, its presentation, strengths and challenges. It also allows for those with no prior knowledge to attend and serves as a good introduction to neurodiversity and how it is impacted in the workplace.

In addition to neurodiverse conditions it covers suggested recommendations, how these can be implemented and gives an overview of the Equality Act 2010 and best practice around assessments.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the workshop you will be able to:

  • Have a better understanding of neurodiversity and its presentations.
  • Understand the impact that work can have on those with a neurodiverse condition.
  • Knowledge of potential adjustments and support that can be applied in the work place.
  • Reviewed how the Equality Act is relevant for neurodiversity.
  • Understand how to access the appropriate services.

Benefits to your business

  • Help retain and attract new talent
  • Ensure a supportive and healthy work environment
  • Ensure adherence to the Equality Act
  • Decrease absences due to stress and improve engagement
  • Managers who understand their employees support needs have a tighter team culture.

Course content

Here is a brief overview of the topics that will be covered in this course:

  • Creativity and innovation
  • Lateral thinking
  • Strategic analysis
  • Bringing a ‘different perspective’
  • Problem solving
  • Analytical thinking
  • People skills
  • About the trainer

For additional information on the course or to book Click Here

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