
Measuring Customer Outcomes
13 May 09:30 AM
Until 13 May, 12:30 PM 3h

Measuring Customer Outcomes

Just like elections or referendum polls, measuring customer satisfaction can often throw up unreliable and surprising results. The downside of believing what people say they will do and what they actually do can have many business people going in entirely the wrong direction strategically. And while the measurement fundamentals are similar for most businesses the questions to ask and the specific metrics to collate can vary dramatically.

Using a single question or number, whether it relates to a customer’s willingness to recommend or how easy they found the transaction may be mildly interesting but is sadly lacking in the kind of insight that businesses need to deliver consistent, memorable, and differentiated customer experiences – and to stay in business.

Course Description

Really understanding your customers’ needs and wants, the differences between them, and how they truly feel about your company are critical, non-negotiable elements in measuring what is important to them and their decisions to continue to do business with you.

This workshop delivers a practical and flexible approach to truly understanding customer needs and designing the questions to ask to meet them, the metrics to use and how best to action them.

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