* Calabrio

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* Calabrio

Calabrio, the workforce performance company, provides the digital foundation of today’s customer-centric contact centres, enriching and interpreting human interactions, empowering agents as brand guardians with one fully integrated, cloud-based solution.

Calabrio is the trusted ally to leading brands in 100 countries around the world and its flagship portfolio Calabrio ONE is the only true-cloud platform in the contact centre world. 

Calabrio ONE unites workforce optimisation (WFO), agent engagement and business intelligence solutions into a fully integrated suite that adapts nimbly to changing business and organisational needs.

High-profile companies including National Express, Thomson Reuters and UK Power Networks rely on Calabrio to maximise agent performance, exceed customer expectations and boost workforce efficiency using connected data, AI-fuelled analytics, automated workforce management and personalised coaching.

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Contact Calabrio

Calabrio (UK). 12 Melcombe Place, Marylebone. London. NW1 6JJ.

Telephone: 0203 367 2122

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