Webinar: The Art of Customer Recovery:
What is it and why should we all be doing it?
Wednesday 23rd October 2:00pm – 2:30pm (GMT)
Want to make a big difference to Customer Experience? Start with Customer Recovery.
Join QA and Improvement platform provider EvaluAgent as they invite customer survey specialist Guy Letts, CEO of CustomerSure to share how best to collect customer feedback and more importantly what to do with it when you have it.
In this 30 minute session, they’ll cover these 3 questions:
– Why the traditional customer experience measurement approach isn’t enough anymore.
– When customers give their feedback, what happens to their comments, frustrations or problems?
– What can we do to engage with customers and turn the feedback into real competitive advantage?
By the end of the 30 minutes you’ll have learned about customer recovery and how it can both delight customers and motivate and engage colleagues.
Sign up and ‘Save your seat‘ today.