Firstsource: The Security Value of Voice Biometrics

Firstsource: Leveraging the Security Value of Voice Biometrics. Every contact centre works towards providing consistent, quick and secure customer services.

voice.biometrics.image.2015However, interacting with a large number of people also makes them a vulnerable to identity theft and other fraud that compromise brand equity, and lead to unsatisfied customers and higher costs. Weak security infrastructure and not having enough checks in place is a major cause that may make contact centres a soft target.

Traditional authentication methods at contact centers for secure interactions include Personal Identification Numbers (PIN), alpha-numeric passwords, security-related questions, and the like. These are not entirely fool-proof methods as demonstrated by rising fraud cases and are expensive to execute as well as cumbersome for customers. There is a dire need for superior security measures that are convenient to use and provide effective protection for call center data.

Voice biometrics may well be the answer to combating identity theft at contact centers. This game changing technology is slowly gaining recognition as a quick, customer-friendly and cost-effective tool for authenticating customers. It identifies and profiles a person’s unique vocal characteristics, known as voice-print. When a customer calls, the system either creates a new voice print (for new customers), or compares it to the voice-print files stored in the database to authenticate callers. This is a silent, behind-the-scene screening that alerts agents to a possible fraud. In many cases, voice biometrics is combined with predictive analytics to achieve highly accurate results.

Here’s how voice biometrics is changing the dynamics for contact centres:

Greater Fraud Protection:

Compared to single security methods, voice biometrics provides a higher level of security, preventing fraud on a large scale. Based on the 80/20 rule of contact center fraud – where majority of fraud is committed by repeated calls from a minority of callers – this system is very efficient because it easily detects known voices. This greater visibility helps to create a comprehensive database of fraudulent behavior, traits and activity, reducing agent vulnerability.

Improved Operational Efficiency:

Voice biometrics eliminates the need to ask routine security questions that are burdensome for the agent and frustrating for the caller. This quickens the process, reducing average call handling (AHT) and wait time. In fact, voice biometrics can even be used to authenticate remote employees or work-from-home agents.

Cost-Effective and Easy Implementation:

Voice biometrics does not require any special equipment and is fairly simple to implement. It can be deployed from cloud or on-site and is easily scalable. Screening can be based either on a set of pass-phrases or using natural speech. In addition, automatic authentication of callers, reduced call times and lower operating costs help contact centres save money.

Better Customer Service:

The primary task of call centre agents is to serve customers. Without having to ask routine, mundane questions, agents can focus on what the customers want and meet their needs more effectively. This, combined with the fact that customers have a positive experience due to quick and hassle-free service serves to increase customer satisfaction.

Since each person’s voice-print is unique, this technology is exceptionally effective and acts as a key service differentiator for contact centres. With a treasure-trove of information, the power of ensuring safe interactions lies in how contact centres unlock the value hidden in voice biometrics.



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